Monday, April 25, 2016

Hi i'm back from being held captive at a Illuminati head quarters and being brain washed but i still see flashes of what happened and I will try to keep you guys updated. My email was shut down due to them finding it very revealing to there secret plans. I have to go they hired aliens to capture me again so BRB.

Friday, September 4, 2015

What is this Page About?

This page is all about the facts that people don't know or see about. This info we receive by email by anon's. If you have any comments or Theorys send me an email to me at

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why you her bumps in the night

The government wants you to think that the bumps and thumps you hear in the night is nothing but your imagination but really it is the Illuminati stealing the socks out of your dryer that is why you only have one match to the pair of socks you own.

Why we get moist

The government sends tiny fighter jets everyday and every where to seek out woman that may want to be moist and they use hyper rays from the jets to start the process like morning dew



Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Are all aspects of our government run by lizard men?

Obama, the queen and many of our political figures are lizard men who have come down from space to plant there eggs in every ones rectums then take over the world and kill of all of the human race. 

are there microscopic micro chips hidden in your rectum?

Many people feel a scratching sensation in there rectums. many people sometimes hear farts but don't know who did it. Illuminati Confirmed? They reason we have prostate exams it to make sure the chip is in position for the commencement of the army that will lead Obama to victory against all unknown organisms Unknown by men.                ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED?